Case 1

My client is from New Zealand, she was very polite when she met me for the first time, she was a very beautiful girl, she wanted to do a segmented lashes business, this product was very new at that time, especially in New Zealand, many people Never used segmented lashes, she was very sensitive and told me that I wanted to sell in the local market and paid for the sample package quickly, however just as the order was being prepared I thought I needed to speak to her , because timing is very important for a business, especially new products! ! Whoever seizes the opportunity will stand out. At that time in New Zealand, there were not many brands selling this eyelashes. Everyone had a chance to succeed. After I shared my thoughts with her, she was very happy to accept it. She really smart, so we start discussing the bulk plan directly from the sample order plan
In between, we talked about a lot of details, helped customers choose beautiful eyelashes, took videos, took pictures, provided detailed pictures, and helped customers choose their favorite styles. The design has been changed more than 30 times. In order to design out the most beautiful box
In this way, we started a happy first cooperation, that is, within a week after the customer received the product, the customer’s sales were very good, which has far exceeded the sales volume of her original business, and she was very happy to share with me. I am also very, very happy and proud of her. In this way, she continued to place another order to plan for the future.
In this way, half a year has passed, and her sales are getting better and better and continue to increase. I also helped her to expand all series of eyelashes, and repurchased more than 10 times in half a year, and now it has developed into a top brand in New Zealand.